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nice short game, really liked the atmosphere and humor

Thank you very much, I'm glad to hear you liked it!

Deleted 88 days ago

Oh no!, I'm not sure why that is happening... could you tell me which dialogue options you selected and what version you are using?

If you are using the browser version, i would recommend downloading it for now, it tends to be much more stable

Deleted 88 days ago

hmmm, okay well I’ll try to work out what’s wrong and do a fix for tomorrow. Sorry you’re having issues with it!

Could always try the browser version for now and it will hopefully be working  :)

Hi again, I downloaded the game to test it and it seems to be working on my end. It does however seem like the part it is getting frozen is the first animated section so its possible that is causing issues...

If you aren't too busy could I ask what platform you are using and if it works when you reload the game?


Yay, I made it to Paradise!! Incredible artwork and great sound design! (THANK YOU FOR ADDING THE TIP DIALOGUE WHEN YOU GET STUCK ON THE PASSWORD...I HAVE THE MEMORY OF A GOLDFISH AND FORGOT WHAT IT WAS...) Awesome game!

Thank you so much, that is very kind!

and don't worry I am the same with puzzles hahaha